Little somethings written by Anna to tempt a reaction

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer recipe time

So my new fabulous place has one drawback. There is no oven, and a toaster oven doesn't come even remotely close. It is quite a shame too, since I can leave the air conditioning on all day at 70 degrees without paying an extra cent for utilities. That is all covered in the HOA dues for the resort. In the past using the oven was prohibited often in 100 degree weather. I have had quite a transitional phase this year so far trying new dishes that are either straight up cold, microwavable (yuck) and stove top. Thank goodness Steven got the hibachi grill to light up today for a short grilling session, otherwise I would be surfing the web for easy quick ways to eat. I'm fed up with pasta. Eating pasta each week and then boycotting it is probably what it's like for someone on a diet strictly sticking to fresh salads and veggies. You might think you are suffering, but really spoilage of the brain and belly is taking over. All I know is I miss my oven, I depended on my oven, and I dream of installing a homemade stone brick oven somehow and somewhere even if I have to go stack dried cow-pies, pine cones and firewood out in a dirt pit. If I had some clay I would use it as a kiln part time. I have beautiful flours that have turned into my morning oatmeal, which is rather sad to look at but healthy to eat. I tried making simple scones and tortillas, but Steven refuses to eat a whole wheat crust made by my novice hands. He will die a soldiers life, not a guinea pigs. So if I can't find cooking classes this summer my last resort will be to abuse someone else's kitchen. I have recipe books ready, a focused mentality, and plenty of places to hop from. Which house to abuse first? School is out for the summer. Strike one. In-laws house is hot enough to fry yourself. Strike two. Saul is moving across town this week. Strike three. Some people should be allowed more than three strikes. Perhaps I should not limit myself to an oven alone. This must mean it is time to use my right side of the brain and start over again, fresh.

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