Little somethings written by Anna to tempt a reaction

Feel free to engage, debate and stir emotions.

Monday, July 18, 2011

book club required

I haven't read anything new lately, including my book club book. I just show up and listen to everyone else. It's not like I can skip the morning meetings. Teachers have book clubs too ya know. Except it is a mandatory meeting. Some of them even include DVDs. Here you are. You don't need to read, you can watch and then if you miss anything or something doesn't make sense, read the book.
I don't think it bothers me that we have required book clubs. What doesn't make sense is that the choices of books can be so dull. Other books that seem sensible I snag up and take home to judge. I would rather read them independently prior to the club (which I do during the summer) and then test out the content as I teach through the year for myself. I find it nearly impossible to attempt teaching strategies as the school year passes each day and I try helplessly to stay caught up in reading. Teachers have so much to do and plan ahead. Book clubs are meant to be fun! Reading should be fun.
Sorry my last entry was so boring. Someday an enticing entry will come forth.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A top ten according to Anna

Chance? I think not. This book was meant to find me. Browsing bookstores in the Health and Nutrition genre just wasn’t enough. Dr. Buttar’s 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away ended up in my hands after inquiring about some good reads with my Aunt Paula. I was looking for something, I just didn’t know what. She offered several books, but I took just one to focus on.  Reading it, I feel it was meant for me at this time, although I wish it had been published decades ago so my mother could have benefited from it before her hyperactive thyroid took control of her hormonal life. This book has it all, since it speaks from the origin of life and disease. Forget about the millions of drugs, synthetic potions and pills, symptom after symptom and narrow down to one question: Why is my body acting this way? What is the cause for this reaction? This is what I wanted to hear. I got every answer I needed. I am on week four of detoxifying my GI tract and immune system with a nutritional therapist. I drink 2/3 my weight in ounces of water everyday and just today I noticed a small accidental cut on my skin revealing thinner and finer blood full of water and moisture.  I also adopted The Butt Book by Tosca Reno and follow the exercises and many of the good, fresh recipes that are in alignment according to Dr. Buttar’s knowledge of nutrition. I feel good like a bouncy teenager out of soccer practice. Meals taste wholesome like they should and I don’t feel guilty about what I put in my body: God given fruit, grains, lean meats and starches all free of corruption from mankind… most of which comes from my family’s garden, or specialty stores and markets that cater to the organic seeking individual. I share this book with anyone that speaks of ailments. I bought copies for my mother and mother-in-law. I want everyone to feel this good.