Little somethings written by Anna to tempt a reaction

Feel free to engage, debate and stir emotions.

Thursday, April 21, 2011



Mr. Governor Sandoval,
Isn’t your statement “Now let’s get to work!” rather ironic? This is unacceptable. This is equivalent to fraud. The jobs, training, and money once invested and now stolen were fought by willing determined students to pursue an education, pay their way through college and/or take out loans, and strive for master degrees for further professional development; and yet, during elections our leaders make promises to keep jobs “work” and find or extend resources to make more jobs to improve our economy. Firing and laying off hundreds of qualified and worthy teachers is not the answer to balancing the budget and improving life. Shoving more students into classrooms and raising the student to teacher ratio is not the answer to allowing voice to be heard and expressed by our youth. Cutting salaries while the cost of living rises is not balance. We all should be appalled by the actions and routes presented by state officials these last few weeks. Unfortunately, our nation continues to support a large growing welfare system that doesn’t work. We continue to feed and dish out money to individuals that do not attempt to find work or self-employment in their community, or to individuals that are forced out of work and must rely on food stamps or a significant other. We also take business to other states and countries instead of filling seats in our own states. Instead of searching out other possible avenues for income and revenue or reducing and eliminating insignificant programs, we narrow-mindedly see only what can be taken away from good working people here at home, where the heart should be. Why waste what we put so much into! Why give free handouts to idle people? Why throw away our investments? We should focus back on the home, sustaining and educating families that stay together, work together and support each other and their community. 

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