Little somethings written by Anna to tempt a reaction

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Looking for a new good book, but found the local newspaper instead

Home Sweet Home
I have so much to be appreciative for. How does one show proper and adequate thanks for blessings?
I live in a beautiful resort on a lake with pristine weather, heated pools, and luscious views of desert mountains lined with 50-foot palm trees.  Tucked away behind the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, now operated by the Ravella ( A Dolce Hotel), is Luna di Lusso a new condominium complex intended for guests to Lake Las Vegas, but for me it’s an amazing deal of sad depreciated value. My 500 square foot studio is a small, but comfortable, and is easy to maintain. I have always had a comfortable and secure place to live, I sleep easily and endlessly as needed, and I float on without worry or disturbance. There is so much turmoil around the world, and yet, here is a different world that seems to be cut off from humanities troubles. I often wonder if this community will get it’s turn someday and suffer natural calamities, simply because we are due in time. It’s like hitting the Uno Attack button luckily without receiving any cards. Are we that lucky? Are we better prepared? I would think not. We could not and will not survive if flash floods take out our barriers, consume our water systems, and pollute our drinking supply. We would perish without Lake Mead. When will terror rein down? Perhaps it has in other ways: tourism shortage. People cannot afford to stay and play here in such a poor economy; this affects jobs at hotels, restaurants, and constructions. I hate to see all the vacant homes and foreclosures driving to work. Poor business and less residential taxes incoming mean the state government will accordingly have to make some adjustments: more job loss.
So how do I show gratitude for what I have? Perhaps by giving back to the community? I believe I do that for individuals, supporting local businesses, and through my job at my school. I spend countless hours before and after school improving lives through tutoring and lesson preparations. I write letters, picket and speak for what I believe in. Then I wonder, does anyone care? Is anyone listening? Why is no one responding? Then I am back at home gazing at the sunset, eating crab cakes and salad on the balcony with my toes in the air, trying to mentally organize this other stressed life of mine just twenty minutes down the road.

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